Pakistan In FAFT List

What is the theme of this history!!???
Why it happened suddenly!!?
What will the US gain From it!!!
Why is this Happening now..!!
What is terrorism!!??

We all know the Facts but we are unable to realize and to Express as we are never certain of what we know.
Okk!! The facts are as :-
1:- Pakistan   
IA):-Pakistan is the only country in world bearing nuclear weapons under the muslim
 banner.Terrorism in pakistan is oldest issue. Then why pakistan is putting under the FAFT grey list and may be then in Black list.
B):- pakistan is removing the terrorists from its soil and is growing towards the stability And has world's top most battle hardened army. PAkistan is close friend to china and is supporting china in nearly all the aways and china to pakistan.... China's Growing influence means to kick the American influence from the dominated world affairs , as China is Growing strongly in Every sector of Development.
This All means if china grows then America must loss its supperrior hands on world affairs and too his economy will Become weak.
C):- America main aim is to preserve and provide the safety to Illeagal occcupier ISREAL  .
AMERICA is mainly under the influence of Jews in Govt. Infact America is wholly and solly controlled by jews. The power now which exists and is treat to isreal is PAKISTAN and TURKEY 
.AMERICA is now trying to put these powers down but it is nt a cake walk for America , so America is trying to push pakistan under baseless allegation if supporting terrorism.
This is just to put pakistan in distability zone and to bow down in front if AMaerica. So all this is to put the policies of America to be favoured and welcomed.
 This will make the India
to think that America is totally Favouring them and is the same thinv they want from America . It is fact that will gain some banefits from America   but india has to bow down in front oF American policies.

American influence is day by day decreasing on world so How America the Great power could let it go and be the Spectator of All this.
Will make America little but comfort and can gain favour from india and too makes her Illeagal Occupier Isreal Happy ..
 We all know that if Pakisgan is stable perfectly stable then it will cause great problems to American intrests and Isreal .
So they are adopting these policies.

America is just wanting a excuse to put the pakistan down by sanctioning them, as they know Pakistan has the Leadership of Lambs.
But they will not succeed, America will loose their aupperiority on world very soon.
Putting pakistan in FAFT list is to All Make India , Isreal Happy
and to put further pressure on Pakistan to not go towards china influence more and more.
So lets see what the fruit will come ouf of it All $$$$!!!!???
Wait and watch 😐😐!!!
